Greetings North Texas!
- North Texas Chapter is again one of the Top Nine Largest Chapters in the Alumni Association
- We therefore need to elect a new Trustee to serve in this three-year position
- Nominations will be accepted until midnight on Friday, March 31
- Election will run from April 3-9. All dues-paying (incl Lifetime, Emeritus and Active Duty) Alumni members of the chapter are eligible to vote.
- Election will be electronic, with emailed links to the ballot.
What's happening?
Every three years, the Alumni Association performs a membership count of its chapters. We are pleased to announce that the North Texas Chapter is once again in the largest nine chapters of the Alumni Association. We're the 5th largest chapter, behind San Diego, Hampton Roads. Greater DC and Los Angeles. We're still by far the largest landlocked chapter, and the largest not near a fleet concentration area.
As such, will need to elect a new representative to the Board of Trustees. Chapter bylaws (link) specify the election process for choosing a Chapter Trustee. We will hold an election (electronic) in time to send a Trustee to the May 12 Board Meeting in Annapolis.
Note: This is a different trustee role than the Central Region trustee for which North Texas's Darryl Smith '88 is running (see recent chapter email regarding his candidacy). That's a Regional Trustee role; this is for a Nine Largest Chapters Trustee role.
What does it mean to serve on the Alumni Association's Board of Trustees?
Please see the bottom of this email for a description of the role.
What is the nomination and election timeline? Nomination period: now until midnight on Friday, March 31. Note that the cutoff date will be strictly followed.
- You may nominate yourself or others - Submit nominations to Please ensure you get confirmation of receipt by our Secretary.
- You must be an alumni member of the chapter, not just someone in the area or on our mailing list.
Messaging to the NTX Alumni Chapter
Candidates will have the opportunity to communicate with our chapter via an email that leadership will send out. If you are a candidate, please be ready to provide a brief overview of yyour background, in support of your candidacy, to the Secretary with your nomination.
The election will open on Monday, April 3. Voting will close at midnight on Sunday, April 9.
- All alumni members, in good standing for payment of Chapter dues (or are Lifetime, or Emeritus, or Active Duty members) are eligible to vote
- Election will be held electronically via email
- Results will be certified by the Secretary of the Chapter, and announced
Certification & submission to USNA AA - to initiate background checks, training and preparation to be seated with the board
First meeting - The Spring Board of Trustees meeting cycle in Annapolis starts Wednesday, 10 May.
We look forward to sending a fresh face to Annapolis!
Go Navy!
Jamey Cummings
President, North Texas Chapter
What does it mean to serve on the Alumni Association's Board of Trustees?
- The Trustee's role is to assist in oversight of the Alumni Association as serve as a fiduciary to the Association.
- While you'll represent the perspectives of the chapter, a trustee's duty is to ALL alumni and to serve the best interests of the Association, not solely our North Texas chapter.
- Workload: this is no ceremonial position! Depending on committee assignments, expect to spend as little as maybe 5 hours/month, but as much as 25-30 hours/month, supporting the work of the board. Average is probably about 5-10 hours/month.
- Trustees serve a three year term
- Be prepared to serve two three-year terms (if elected a second time!). The Alumni Association has Trustees from the nine largest chapters because those nine don't turn over that often (Note that North Texas has sent an AA Trustee for more than 20 years). This provides stability to the Board of Trustees, and lets the Chairman choose experienced Board members to chair committees during their second three-year term.
- Expenses for travel are covered by the Alumni Association and the Chapter will pick up any costs not covered by the Alumni Association.
- The Alumni Association conducts a background check of all trustees upon selection, including social media checks
- The Trustee is expected to attend all Board meetings in person in Annapolis. They are held in the spring, usually about the second week in May, and in December during Army week. Lately, there have been off-cycle board meetings via Zoom.
- The next Board meetings in Annapolis begin at noon EDT on Wed, 10 May, and end on Friday, 12 May around 3PM EDT. Our elected trustee will have training in a format and schedule TBD; it may be virtual or in person before this meeting starts.
- Our previous two Trustees, Matt Elias & Greg Colandrea, are happy to answer any of your questions about the role.