Become A Member


***Please note that as of June 1, 2023, the North Texas Chapter has transitioned to the myUSNA website platform. All memberships to the North Texas Chapter are processed and renewed through that site.***

Please see Memberships |

We want all U.S. Naval Academy graduates in the North Texas area to join us in the local Chapter's activities.
Joining our chapter ensures that you'll get the latest information about Chapter activities, and updates on local events of interest to Naval Academy grads. Members receive a discount at our monthly luncheons and other events, and access to the directory of local alumni.
We collect dues to support the activities of the Chapter, in support of our mission. These funds are used for:
- Midshipman candidate events: Our annual "Blue Chip Dinner"
- Events bringing Midshipmen into the North Texas area 
- Navy and Marine Corps scholarships 
- Support of local events such as the Dallas Veteran's Day Parade 
- Other special events
Please consider joining our Chapter. We'd love to see you regularly!